Social Media Advice When Going Through a Divorce

social media advice when going through a divorce-reno nv

Advice When Going Through a Divorce

As social media usage continues to grow and dominate our day-to-day lives, it is important to be aware of the dangers of oversharing on the internet. A couple going through a divorce must be especially cognizant of their social media usage throughout their divorce proceedings. Anything posted on social media can be used as evidence in a divorce case. At Carlson & Work, our experienced divorce attorneys can provide some key advice on social media usage when going through a divorce.

Social Media Usage Before Filing for a Divorce

Before filing for a divorce, it is best to avoid using social media to discuss any problems between you and your spouse. You should abstain from sharing any negative posts or comments about your spouse, no matter how irritated or hurt you are from the situation. It is also smart to avoid sharing the content of you partying or participating in any incriminating activities. It’s also encouraged to update the passwords to your social media accounts, to block your spouse from access to your accounts.

Social Media Usage During Divorce Proceedings

During divorce proceedings, it is best to limit your social media usage. Avoid posting anything that you do not want other people to see, even if your account is private. If your divorce is not amicable, it may be smart to remove your spouse from your social media accounts. Once again, it is important to abstain from speaking ill of your spouse on social media.

Social Media Usage After the Divorce

While you are free to speak as you wish on social media after a divorce, it is best to continue to be careful about what you share. Most divorce and custody orders can be modified at a later time, and once again, anything that you share on social media can be used against you in court.

If you are in need of a divorce attorney in the Reno, Nevada area, contact the qualified divorce attorneys of Carlson & Work at 775-386-2226. Our family law attorneys can provide guidance on social media during a divorce as well as other aspects of the divorce process.


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